The Week in Retrospect: SKYRIM!!!
So, to keep myself blogging at least once a week (hopefully more?), I plan on posting about what’s happened during the week for me regarding gaming, and possibly real life if it isn’t too personal or something. (There’s only so much one can be willing to put on the Interwebs, right?) The BlogThis week I spent some time updating the blog layout. More minor tweaks than anything. Changed some colors around so they weren’t so ouchy on the eyes (which I discovered with a new monitor were quite ouchy) as well as elongating the banner and hosting it on a (really small) personal space I had during grad school. It…
IntPiPoMo 7-10: Sethekk Halls
Angelya over at Revive and Rejuvenate has developed a new challenge! IntPiPoMo, or International Picture Posting Month is an alternative to the popular NaNoWriMo. Since a picture is worth a thousand words, and the goal is to write fifty thousand words by the end of the month, IntPiPoMo asks that you post fifty pictures during the month of November. This is my contribution. One of the places I frequent most is Sethekk Halls. Possibly because it’s gorgeous to me, but mainly because obtaining Anzu has been my goal since I first found out about him in TBC. Recently, the place has become the bane of my existence while I see guildie after guildie and…
IntPiPoMo 1-6: Forsaken Architecture
Angelya over at Revive and Rejuvenate has developed a new challenge! IntPiPoMo, or International Picture Posting Month is an alternative to the popular NaNoWriMo. Since a picture is worth a thousand words, and the goal is to write fifty thousand words by the end of the month, IntPiPoMo asks that you post fifty pictures during the month of November. This is my contribution. I’ve been in a bit of an alt mood lately (while not watching the Elephant play Skyrim or playing it myself), and have started leveling my Forsaken Mage. I don’t normally play Forsaken, but it seemed right to try out the new quests, for one. It also…
Authenticators? I think not.
So, I’m sure there’s been a story here and a story there about people being hacked even though they owned authenticators. I’ve even read a few myself. But I hadn’t experienced anything like it until two guildies were hacked within two weeks of each other. Guildie One was able to cancel his authenticator, change his password and recover his items within a week. Guildie Two however has been given the run around by Blizzard, and I’m appaled. Though it honestly doesn’t surprise me. Guildie Two was away this weekend. A fellow guildmate knew that and when he saw him toon hopping, reported it to Blizzard with no response. Once Guildie…
Life? What’s That Thing?
So, I don’t normally use my blog to ramble on about life, but I feel the need to today. There’s some game-related chatter if you’re really interested somewhere in here, but otherwise, feel free to skip past this entry completely. There’s possibly going to be some whining. You know, I did have a whole long entry typed out with nitty-gritty details, and it was very cathartic, but I am not going to post it. Suffice to say, the Elephant and I are in a very rough spot with life at the moment. One that we’re working on remedying via a move this weekend back into an apartment of our own,…
Minipost: I AM BAST
I received this little tidbit ages ago from Oathblade and never got around to putting it up as I had originally intended. I am finally getting to it (before I trudge off to bed for a nap to make this cold/sinus infection go away) because it is too cute not to share. And Oathblade’s inspiration? The fact that I title my Blog Azeroth Shared Topics with “BAST”. Thanks for the laugh and cute kitty picture, Oath! 😀
BAST: Transmogrify Me
This week, the BAST is all about Transmogrification and Void Storage. If you’ve been living under a rock, you can read all about both of them here and here, respectively. Please, take your time. According to Dictionary.com, to Transmogrify means: to change in appearance or form, especially strangely or grotesquely; transform. Well, the definition doesn’t exactly match up what Blizzard has in mind with Transmogrification, though I’m sure some players will take it that way. The two items Blizzard is so excited to share with us link directly hand-in-hand. And something that a lot of players have been asking for for a while–extra storage. Whether it be for tabards, old…
BAST: What Kind of Guild Am I?
This past week, Dragonray‘s Shared Topic was proposed over at BA:ST: What kind of guild environment do you like?From this I am referring to whether you like a quiet guild or a chatty guild – is there a happy medium? I have noticed that the guild I have joined never says anything in guild chat and you really have to push them to chat? My perfect guild is chatty, runs older content together, farms achievements, does guild battleground groups, and runs current raiding content in an efficient manner. My perfect guild is the guild I am already a member of–Shade of the Elm. When the Elephant and I started the…
New Layout Inc
Just a notice that things may look a little…weird…the next few days as I work on a new layout for the blog. This old one has about had it, and the Peons just can’t be trusted in a job like this, so I have to take matters into my own hands. On a completely separate note, expect updates and more of Saga’s “20 Days of WoW” challenge very soon!
BAST: World of War-crafts?
Edit: This topic is a BAST topic scheduled for September 5-11th. While it will stay here, I wanted to link back to the topic-at-hand for those that are interested in reading other topics when they are posted. Please check other posts out!! I apologize for my mini-disappearing act as of late. Life’s been a tad topsy-turvy. But, things are settling down once again. Now, I want to bring you the topic… World of Warcrafts! This blog is supposed to cover gaming, general geekery and crafting. Now, while it does cover gaming (mainly World of Warcraft), and some general geekery (Star Trek, Conventions, etc.), I haven’t done much about crafting. And…