• Achievements,  Shade of the Elm,  WoW

    Guild Raids!

    Our guild has been on a roll as of late with Wrath raiding achievements. (We’re not just all about older content, though it’s our current focus with ICC10 and attempts at RS10…because it’s all changing and going away so soon!!) We hit up Naxx a few times the past two months to try to burn out a lot of those achievements. And we did. We’ve gotten guildies any and all of the following (on 10 man of course): Momma Said Knock You Out, Arachnophobia, Spore Loser, Make Quick Werk of Him, Just Can’t Get Enough, and all of the achievements for the various quarters. We’ve even downed Sapph (with a…

  • Achievements,  WoW

    WTB [Battered Hilt]

    I’ve been lusting after the Battered Hilt on my main. Literally searching the auction house for great deals for hours at a time. I’d done the research. The best weapon I could get (sans Battered Hilt) up through the first six bosses of ICC10? The polearm in Heroic Halls of Reflection. I got it. I did. I ground that thing out like there was no tomorrow. And then it just got stagnant. There’s no upgrades that drop, and it was one of the bigger upgrades I needed. I was stuck. So I started lusting after the Battered Hilt. Besides the fact that it’s such an awesome quest line and the…

  • Conventions,  Star Trek

    Dragon*Con 2010 – Highlights

    I went to my second Dragon*Con ever this year. My first (of many to come) with the Elephant. After waiting in line for almost three hours on Saturday (and missing one of the panels I really wanted to see), we ended up with pre-regs for next year and three day passes (which were mistakes, but who’s complaining?!). Here’s some highlights of this year! Being able to spend an amazing Saturday and Monday being geeky with the Elephant. That’s the biggest highlight. 🙂 Some of the cosplays: Gumby; Jay, Silent Bob and Buddy Jesus (with a farewell l’chaim); Jesus Christ Superstar; Lego Slave Leia (yes–really), Charlie Chaplin; Aang; a Cylon; and…

  • Achievements,  Goals,  Mounts,  WoW

    Update: Pre-Cata Plans

    Last time I went on and on (almost ad-nauseam) about what the Elephant and I wanted to complete before Cataclysm rolls around. As it draws closer, we’ve been able to check off some of the items on our list so far. Glory of the HeroWe wanted to grab our Red Proto-Drakes before Blizzard (possibly) took away the drake from the achievements. They’ve taken away some of the raiding drakes, so we got worried–especially with no word on whether the drake is going away or not. So we wanted to be safe rather than sorry. And, I am proud to say, we earned that sucker! The last one we needed was…

  • Achievements,  Goals,  WoW

    Plans Pre-Cataclysm

    The Elephant and I have been running older raids with the guild to work toward some achievements. Most recently, we finished up Blackwing Lair (and before that, Molten Core). Tomorrow, we’re doing Karazhan. Last night, while working on the quest line to get the Karazhan key (so we can get our guild inside) we got tons of achievements, including: The Arcatraz, The Botanica, The Mechanar, The Steamvault, and Shadow Labyrinth (along with grinding out the related reps for our various reputation achievements). That got us thinking. What changes are coming in Cataclysm? What achievements do we need/want to finish before then? Well, we came up with a list! Master of…

  • Achievements,  Mounts,  WoW

    Ahhh, what fun!

    The Elephant and I have been in a total WoW kick. Grinding through to 80 as fast as our little druid behinds can carry us, and grabbing achievement after achievement on the way. So far, we’ve finished all the quests in Howling Fjord, are almost done with Dragonblight, and have hit so many dungeons, we’ve blues coming out our ears. The most fun, however, were two things in particular. And well, since a picture is worth a thousand words, I have a few of them! Yep, much before level 80, too. We were still 73 at the time. Come to think of it, we got it almost a week ago.…

  • WoW

    Macro Heaven

    I’m one of those WoW players that totally forgets about trinkets and other on-use abilities (e.g.: Bloodfury). After finally thinking about how I wanted to boost my Shaman’s DPS (at level 69…), I figured it out: bind the trinkets to spells I use all the time! I know, I know. “Why didn’t you think of this before?! DUH!” Moving along. I’ve been browsing Big Bear Butt for tanking macros for my new Druid, and found a very simple one over at his specs and rotations page that I’ve been using for binding my Barkskin to my Swipe for whenever it’s up. Anyway. I decided to modify the macro for the…

  • Console

    Xbox Addiction

    The boyfriend (whom you shall come to know as the Elephant) has “moved in” his Xbox to my apartment. My PS2 lovingly bit the dust a few weeks ago, and the Xbox has since become a DVD player. On non-school and work nights he’s over here anyway, so he’s not missing out on it too much. He also brought over all his games, and they’re currently sharing shelf space with my DVDs. I was reluctant at first…but I gave in. Yes, I did. I gave in wholeheartedly. Gone are the days where WoW rules my existence (sort of). I have been playing Fallout 3 and Eternal Sonata to my little…

  • Info

    The Girl

    Hidey ho there, neighbor! I don’t have much of anything to write as my first post, so I’ll give everyone a bit of background on my gaming experiences. I’m a World of Warcraft alt-a-holic. Big time. While I’m not really playing seriously at the moment (due to school, and dealing with a lot of items regarding moving again), I do like playing the game. My favorite part is Achievements and PvPing (and some RPing). I used to be a raider; not hardcore, maybe two nights a week seriously and a few nights willy-nilly with PuG raids. However, due to some…misunderstanding relating to my [previous] main and her [former] guild (not…

  • The Sharpe Legacy banner header
    The Sims

    The Sims 3 Sharpe Legacy: Dallas Sharpe

    Welcome to my Sims 3 Legacy Challenge Welcome to the Sharpe Legacy! This legacy is just starting out, and is inspired by quite a few legacy authors. This is my first attempt at a Legacy Challenge, and my second serious attempt at blogging. I am playing on Normal (90 Days) Life Span and am using the Family Trait of Genius. I am always looking for suggestions and welcome any feedback or comments! Enjoy! Meet Dallas Sharpe My name is Dallas Sharpe. I am considered a Southern Belle by some at home; my family was wealthy. “Was” being the key word. My older brother squandered away our inheritance on frivolous pursuits at…