• FFXIV,  IntPiPoMo,  Life

    New GPU Meets Garuda

    This post is a part of #IntPiPoMo! You can find out more, and sign up at this link. New Graphics Card Here’s the stats. What is priority upgrades? We can’t do everything at once. Thoughts, IT folks? pic.twitter.com/7EDJkOpn7F — Chestnut’s Roasting (@ggchestnut) November 19, 2015 #IntPiPoMo 33/50 (Hey, I took the screenshot! :P) Chaide and I have been searching as to how to beef up our computers. Not too long ago, I posted on Twitter asking for advice, as well as within a group of friends whose opinions I regard highly. We ended up deciding to get the NVIDIA GTX 960 for each of us, and the boxes themselves looked super…

  • Life,  WildStar

    WildStar Casual Friday with Steven Engle for PVP

    A Forward So I wrote most of this last Friday (the 16th) but never finished it, as I started feeling under the weather. It was originally going to be posted over at QueueTimes, but I don’t feel it’s timely, now, especially since Notes from Nexus also put out a summary of the stream with Meerkat, and there was a second stream Monday with Caydiem on Shade’s Eve (which I slept through because I’ve been fighting an evil cold). And today there was a new Casual Friday stream. However, since it was mostly written, I wanted to post it. So I’m posting it here. Hopefully folks’ll get some use out of it.…

  • FFXIV,  Goals,  Life,  Secret World,  SWTOR,  WildStar

    Gaming Goals Review: September

    I started this back in June 2015, and have been keeping up with it this past month. I reduced my goals the past few months due to real life, and I think I started getting things to a reasonable goal list. But, we’ll see in a moment. WildStar Goals Chestnut Do some more contracts in general (PvP and/or PvE) Check! Reach max reputation in either Crimson Badlands or Northern Wastes Work on completing my AMP (55) and AP (48) points Record and put up at least one Yardcore Nexus Down Phagemaw (GA) Complete all achievements in either Celestion or Algoroc Obtain two new mini-pets! Pet 1/Pet 2 Check to see what my plushie collection looks like (Make…

  • Blaugust,  Life

    I Regret Nothing

    This is post 31 of 31 for the Blaugust event. To check out more Blaugust posts and see all the fabulous people that participated this year, visit the Blaugust Nook! Today is the last day of Blaugust. What does this mean? That myself and a bunch of other folks have put in a lot of time and effort into trying to blog daily (or at least post 31 times during the month if we couldn’t make it daily)! Going into Blaugust, I thought I’d have a fairly easy time since I was blogging three to four times a week to begin with. What’s adding on a few more days that only need to…

  • Blaugust,  Life,  WoW

    TGTCML, Part 3

    This is post 25 of 31 for the Blaugust event. To check out more Blaugust posts and sign up to participate, visit the Blaugust Nook! Aywren, one of the Blaugust participants, posed an impromptu writing prompt on her blog asking: Do you have a game you feel changed your life? Blaugust about it! This post is part three of this journey. You can view part one and part two at your leisure. In the last post, I talked about WoW, and how I discovered it. The last part I detailed was moving over to Llane to play with some friends from college who were more laid-back and not raid-focused. I had recently moved to Georgia for graduate school,…

  • Blaugust,  Life

    Burnout, Real Life Edition

    This is post 17 of 31 for the Blaugust event. To check out more Blaugust posts and sign up to participate, visit the Blaugust Nook! We’ve all experienced burnout before in games. We play it so much that we just get drained and are over the game, so we move onto something else. And I’m sure folks have experienced this to a degree in real life–work gets overwhelming, or you’re just extremely busy with other obligations and you get tired and drained. But did you know it can actually cause harm to you physically and emotionally? Burnout isn’t just something that we think of as “overworked”. Burnout is considered a psychological disorder as…

  • Blaugust,  FFXIV,  Goals,  Life

    Bleeder of the Pack

    This is post 15 of 31 for the Blaugust event. To check out more Blaugust posts and sign up to participate, visit the Blaugust Nook! The Salt Strands in FFXIV over near Lamia. I’ve been on kind of a screenshot kick, lately. This one I took while I was working on my Marauder quest, Bleeder of the Pack. I’ve been posting all these screenshots mainly because I’m trying to catch up on Blaugust posts (don’t judge!). But also because life has been so busy, as of late. I haven’t been getting in as much gaming as I’ve wanted to, and it’s wearing on me. The last time I hopped into Final Fantasy was…

  • Blaugust,  Life,  WoW

    TGTCML, Part 2

    This is post 13 of 31 for the Blaugust event. To check out more Blaugust posts and sign up to participate, visit the Blaugust Nook! Aywren, one of the Blaugust participants, posed an impromptu writing prompt on her blog asking: Do you have a game you feel changed your life? Blaugust about it! This post is part two of this journey. You can view part one at your leisure. Down the rabbit hole. In 2007, I transferred from a State college to a Private college for various reasons. I’d been poked about playing World of Warcraft by some of my friends from the state college, but I never really felt any real connection with those…

  • Blaugust,  Console,  Life,  Sailor Moon

    The Game That Changed My Life (TGTCML)

    This is post 6 of 31 for the Blaugust event. To check out more Blaugust posts and sign up to participate, visit the Blaugust Nook! Aywren, one of the Blaugust participants, posed an impromptu writing prompt on her blog asking: Do you have a game you feel changed your life? Blaugust about it! Contrary to how I view gaming now, gaming was not a big part of my life growing up–I classified myself more as a geek and nerd than anything (and I still do, don’t get me wrong). But it’s not like I didn’t game, either. As I’ve mentioned before, it’s not like gaming wasn’t a part of my life growing up.…

  • Black Dagger Society,  Blaugust,  Life,  Raiding,  WildStar

    First X-89

    This is post 4 of 31 for the Blaugust event. To check out more Blaugust posts and sign up to participate, visit the Blaugust Nook! On Tuesday night, it was raid night! We usually do Tuesdays as a trash farm night to help folks newly attuned get in on some gear, and try out X-89 for the first time, as we usually don’t get him down. We went in and steamrolled the first two mini bosses. We were on fire! And then we wiped on a pack of corrupted Dawngrazers. It was actually kind of funny that we wiped on trash just before the last mini boss, rather than the mini bosses themselves.…