• Guides,  WildStar

    Cooking and You: A Farming Guide [Algoroc/Celestion]

    Leveling cooking in WildStar is difficult. Not just what you have to do to unlock recipes and hit the nodes and tear your hair out, but also the fact that to fill out the cooking tech tree to unlock higher level recipes, you will need to cook certain amounts of lower level recipes to earn “stars” to fill out the tree. The most difficult part to filling out the tree and getting these stars is to, well, grind out the materials. The meats being the hardest to grind out because of the low drop rates. So I have been slowly working on a guide. The areas highlighted are the highest…

  • EVE,  WildStar,  WoW

    The Token

    Image from the official posting announcing the WoW Token, link below. I was going to write a long post about the WoW Token that was just announced yesterday, however, there are some better posts, this one in particular, that do a much better job of summing up and discussing possible ramifications, etc. A great read for folks. I’m intrigued by the possibility of being able to play WoW again, however, I have to ask myself, how casual a player will I be able to be? Not just from the “there’s so much to do!” aspect, but more of the “how much farming and AHing and leveling do I have to…

  • Black Dagger Society,  WildStar

    Nekkid Baby Protostar

    What exactly is a Naked Baby Protostar, you ask? Well, do any of you remember doing naked raids in WoW? An Explanation It’s where you go into a raid (in this case, a level 10 instance) at level, stripped down to your skivvies, and you roll need on items for your class (light needs light armor, heavy needs heavy armor, etc.). At the end of the night, the goal is to see who has the wackiest and most put together outfits. Plus, it’s a tad more challenging than just going in and completely facerolling. Nekkid Protostar! In passing, naked raids came up in TeamSpeak about a month ago, and some people…

  • Black Dagger Society,  FFXIV,  Life,  ThaydFest,  WildStar

    In Which There is Stuff and Things

    The past few weeks I’ve had stuff to write, but I didn’t know how to go about it without (a) pointing fingers, (b) revealing too much and (c) without sounding like a whiney you-know-what. There’s still a lot of details I can’t, and won’t, go into, but I think I can pretty much sum up. Black Dagger Society For those that don’t know, I’m one of the GMs in Black Dagger Society in WildStar, along with my husband (Chaide), and a good RL friend. I love the guild. It is a place we feel like folks can come, relax, and be family. And then be successful when folks have the desire…

  • IntPiPoMo,  WildStar

    IntPiPoMo 6-7: Operation FARSIDE

    In Black Dagger Society, we like to host “Safari Nights” where we go around exploring areas and smashing elites to (1) get revenge to all of those reds that killed us while leveling, and (2) work towards the rares achievements. The last one, we ended up on Farside, which is a very neat area on a moon with low-grav and everything. When you’re on Farside, you get a helmet. One of the guildies designed a costume just to wear while on Farside to match his helmet. There’s some soldiers doing drills out on Farside, so we decided to start a Rave with them.

  • IntPiPoMo,  WildStar

    IntPiPoMo 1-5: A Random Assortment

    So it’s that wonderful time of year again–IntPiPoMo!! What is IntPiPoMo, you ask? Well… International Picture Posting Month (IntPiPoMo) is the picture equivalent of National Novel Writing Month (or NaNoWriMo). In reality it doesn’t have to be screenshots from WoW but images form any game or even an array of photographs you take of the real life world – it’s up to you. First off, you should participate! It’s lots of fun! Second, I haven’t officially started a post about where I am with gaming and such as of late, but TL;DR, I’m playing WildStar (and will post more about it later :D). So my screenshots will mainly be of…

  • Doctor Who,  WildStar

    Fish Fingers and… Pudding?

    As I was walking through Thayd, collecting my Challenge Rewards, I received a bag with some goodies inside. Lo and behold, when I opened the bag, I stumbled across none other than… FISH FINGERS AND PUDDING! Not my favorite Doctor, but a reference I loved none-the-less. Thank you, WildStar Devs for that little fun surprise!

  • Black Dagger Society,  Life,  WildStar

    Two Years, Wow

    Well, it has been almost two years… TWO YEARS … since my last update. What’s been going on in those two years? A lot, that’s for sure. Life Hahaha. Ohhh, I thought I wanted to be back in the schools. Nope. Long story short, it didn’t work out, and next week I start a contract in the field of Training and Development. I am so psyched! I learned that I was just being wishy washy, and I needed to find what truly made me happy, even if I had to do things that didn’t to get me to the happy career. And now, I have found it, at least for…