Helping Out Friends
One of our good friends, Cam (whom you will hear from more as I start posting the TSW LP videos), was coerced convinced … finally decided (yes, decided) to try out Final Fantasy so that he could play with Sylver, Chaide, and me. Why is she always so stoic when everyone else is cheering? So he picked up the trial this weekend, and ended up subbing sometime yesterday so he could (1) roll and alt and (2) get above level 20. He’s stuck on the storyline at the moment, though, so we ran a quick Sastasha to help get him to the next dungeon. I’m hoping maybe this weekend we could…
Gaming Goals: September
I’ve been enjoying putting together this gaming goals thing I decided to try out in June. It’s helped me focus my time and come up with blog posts. Just like in July, August had a lot of real life stuff, so I once again cut down on my goals some more. Or rather, I put in more goals that are things I really want to do and will keep me logging into various games. So, without further ado, my gaming goals for September (albeit a tad late)! WildStar Goals Chestnut Do some more contracts in general (PvP and/or PvE) Reach max reputation in either Crimson Badlands or Northern Wastes Work on completing my…
Gaming Goals Review: August
I started this back in June 2015, and have been keeping up with it this past month. I had reduced my goals for July because I knew that we would have limited play time as we had ten days of vacation time, as well as getting ready to move on August 1st. So, let’s see if tuning down my goals made them easier to accomplish! Goals: Relax and game! WildStar Goals Chestnut Reach the max tier of the PvP contracts for the first time ever Reach max reputation in Crimson Badlands Reach max rep in Northern Wastes Complete my AMP (55) and AP (48) points Put up Yardcore Nexus twice once for the…
So You Want To Be A Gladiator
Monday night, Chaide and I hopped into Final Fantasy for a bit. We had initially wanted to do the Anniversary event, but decided instead to spend some time working on picking up our new classes. Chaide is picking up Conjurer, and I’m picking up Gladiator to level up to thirty. Then, he’s going to continue with Conjurer, and I’m going to switch back to Marauder and we’re going to level those to fifty. Our plan is to purchase Heavensward when we hit fifty, and then finish through the 2.0 and 2.5 storylines so that we can get some XP out of it. So, I picked up my Gladiator quests, and…
Marauder Feels
This is post 29 of 31 for the Blaugust event. To check out more Blaugust posts and sign up to participate, visit the Blaugust Nook! As I mentioned, Chaide and I hit 30 in Final Fantasy! So we spent some time going through our level 30 quests, assuming that we’d open up our jobs immediately, but we found out that’s not quite the case. That’s okay, though, we’ll be leveling the other class to 30 as well (mainly because he didn’t mean to do ACN first). For my level 30 quest, I was sent to go take out Kajuta. Time to take my revenge for the child and his family! Time to explore.…
Warrior, Here I Come!
This is post 26 of 31 for the Blaugust event. To check out more Blaugust posts and sign up to participate, visit the Blaugust Nook! I really need to try to get a better shot of her at the end of dungeons… Chaide and I finally hit thirty tonight in Final Fantasy! Last time we played was way back when I bemoaned the fact that we were stuck at level 29. Tonight, however, thanks to Sylver (a WildStar guildie who’s playing over with Greysky, now) and Keryn, we moved beyond that barrier! We logged in, thinking we’d do some quests over in Little Ala Mhigo, but Sylver told us that if we wanted to…
Bleeder of the Pack
This is post 15 of 31 for the Blaugust event. To check out more Blaugust posts and sign up to participate, visit the Blaugust Nook! The Salt Strands in FFXIV over near Lamia. I’ve been on kind of a screenshot kick, lately. This one I took while I was working on my Marauder quest, Bleeder of the Pack. I’ve been posting all these screenshots mainly because I’m trying to catch up on Blaugust posts (don’t judge!). But also because life has been so busy, as of late. I haven’t been getting in as much gaming as I’ve wanted to, and it’s wearing on me. The last time I hopped into Final Fantasy was…
Gaming Goals: August
This is post 3 of 31 for the Blaugust event. To check out more Blaugust posts and sign up to participate, visit the Blaugust Nook! I’ve been enjoying putting together this gaming goals thing I decided to try out in June. It’s helped me a bunch with focusing my time, especially when I was lacking it. Last month I had a lot of real life, so I didn’t complete nearly as many goals as I wanted to. So this month I think I’m going to cut down on them a little bit more, too. First, because I dislike having things unchecked on my list, and second, I’m adjusting to a new schedule IRL (plus…
Gaming Goals Review: July
This is post 2 of 31 for the Blaugust event. To check out more Blaugust posts and sign up to participate, visit the Blaugust Nook! I started this back in June 2015, and have been keeping up with it this past month. I had reduced my goals for July because I knew that we would have limited play time as we had ten days of vacation time, as well as getting ready to move on August 1st. So, let’s see if tuning down my goals made them easier to accomplish! WildStar Goals Chestnut Reach the max tier of the PvP contracts for the first time ever Reach the max tier of…
Archer Time
WildStar It has been an interesting week with all our packing. It’s made gaming a little more difficult. Tuesday we would have logged into WildStar, but I had a crap day that was super long, and by the time I was actually relaxing after cooking dinner, it was after Genetic Archives mini-boss night had started. So no WildStar. Wednesday I helped out some folks that needed Vet Adventures for attunement and ran a Vet Malgrave Trail. We got Silver for them, and it was lots of fun. I do hope to get Gold in there, one day. But for now, I just love helping guildies out that need it so…