Playing Catch-Up
Blaugust Begins What is this Blaugust you keep hearing about? The general gist of the matter is that you post thirty-one posts during the month of August on your blog (or vlog). I signed up to participate, but due to some busy times, I’m a tad behind at the moment. Suffice to say, I’ll be doing some catching up. For the full details, and to sign up to participate, check out this post here. The event itself is run by the epic Belghast (by the way, I think all of us participants should put together a pool of cash to buy him a game or two from his Steam wish-list!…
Moving Stress Commences
Yesterday was a fairly laid back day for gaming, considering that we packed most of the day. The move is really stressful at the moment, and our game time is going to be limited this week and next. Tonight we’ll probably get in some Final Fantasy. Tomorrow is mini-boss night in Genetic Archives (WildStar). Wednesday is some normal dungeons and adventures in WildStar. But from there on, gaming is pretty much up in the air. Thursday I have a job interview, and a lot of things to take care of with our new apartment as I need to pick up the keys, do a walkthrough, etc. on top of working…
Easing Back In
Vacation Fini Friday we got some tasty dinner, and played a long game of Eclipse as a refresher for Chaide and me and a first game for our friend Tal. Saturday was a lot of Eclipse, and then some Love Letter, and then it was the Red Eye to Charlotte, and then back to Atlanta. It was almost twelve hours (if you include the three hours we “gained” going from PST to EST) on planes, so we crashed when we got home, went out to get groceries and dinner, and then picked up the dog. Then it was some relaxation time in WildStar. I didn’t do Day 3 of Hero’s…
Not Dead Yet
Goodness gracious, it’s been a bit since posting. But that’s what a busy vacation does! This is more of a real-life focused “micro-post” (as much as I can write a micro-post, anyway), so read or don’t read–it’s your own discretion. Friday was a Bachelor party for Chaide, Saturday was a car insurance debacle over a silly small paint transfer (and cops being really mean–it kind of ruined my day) as well as a Pre-Wedding hangout, and Sunday was a wedding. We also had to get packed, bring the dog to a friend’s house because they’re being awesome and watching her, and get the cats ready for a week alone. Monday…
To Optimal or Not To Optimal?
Hero’s Journey – Day 1 So, I started Hero’s Journey last night at the gym, to keep up with the LoseIt challenge (which starts a week before the Greysky Armada challenge does–so… yesterday). So, I know I’m not in the best shape, but I average about 9k steps a day, eat healthy, and am slowly losing weight. And even at Level 1, I could barely get halfway through. I was able to do forty of the leg raises, forty of the squats (though I wanted to cry), twenty of the tap toe hops, and none of the climbers. So, what does that mean for the challenge? I had thought about…
Hero’s Journey
Independence Day-Weekend This weekend was a lot of packing, and a little bit of gaming. Thursday we didn’t game any, as we had dinner out with some friends. Friday we didn’t really video game either, as we hung out with a friend in the morning, argued with our apartment complex in the afternoon about our notice to leave (I won’t get into details, but it’s aggravating beyond measure, and we’re being taken advantage of, but that’s better than trying to deal with anything legal and drawing it out plus costing us even more money), and Friday evening/night we hung out with some friends and played a bunch of tabletop games.…
High Anxiety
First of all… Final Fantasy Sunday night, I had an epic battle with the login boss, but eventually was able to log into Lamia. Cactuar was out of the question after a half hour of login attempts, and Lamia only took about ten minutes comparatively. So I had some fun leveling up my Archer. I worked a bit on my main Bard quests, and next on my list is to purchase a few gear items from vendors to unlock the “level 5 gear” quest to progress the main story. I thought the exchange with Silvairre was entertaining. I giggled a little bit. Though I do think he’s kind of an…
Stuck in a Rut
Feelings and Free Writing The past few days I’ve been stuck in a bit of a rut. Real life has left little time for gaming, so I’ve been logging into WildStar to sit and run around Thayd chatting in guild most of the night. I’ve run a few things–Wednesday I tanked a Bay of Betrayal and helped get a few more folks through it for the first time. Last night I finished my World Bosses for attunement, and all I have left is to smash the extra boss in Vet KV. But it’s all felt very unexciting to write about. While it’s been exciting to game, it just seems so…
Haukke Manor
Opportunity I haven’t been online/gaming much the past week and half, really. I had an opportunity for a new position with the company I interned with fall into my lap, and had to complete a project as a part of the interview process. I’m excited to see if I progress to the next step. I know I have cheerleaders in my corner there, so I’m leaning towards the positive. Cake or Death Last night was my first night back in-game since, well, Memorial Day, really. So almost two weeks. Good grief. Anyways. The last time Chaide and I played FFXIV, we had gotten the quest to unlock Haukke Manor, but…
Me the Gamer, and Gamer Sins
So, I haven’t been very good at keeping up with the NBI Writing Prompts that have gone down. I caught the first and second prompts but didn’t really have much to say on them. For the first one, I really didn’t want to get into GamerGate, so promptly avoided the prompt (sorry, Izlain!), and the Kickstarter one was a great topic… except I’ve only ever backed one Kickstarter in my whole life, and it was just recently for some dice. But I do want to try to cover the other two topics (timeliness… I know. I’m hoping Blaugust will help with that!), because they’re pretty awesome, so here goes! What…