September Goals Review
We got to Cenarius! Also, unattempted photobomb by Ru. My goals for September, I felt, were pretty manageable.WildStar Purchase Service Tokens Re-rune DPS set Buy new unlocked tank gear Re-rune tank set Keep pimping Lifestyles of Nexus V for folks to sign up! Make plans for guild/alliance Shade’s Eve Shindig Finish editing Wildcast Ep 97 by the Thursday after recording Put up the last Yardcore I recorded ages ago WoW Complete the class order campaign on my main Complete the Stormheim storylines Unlock Suramar world quests Get Archaeology to 100 Get Fishing to 200 Get Cooking to 600 Get First Aid to 400 Get Blacksmithing to 775 Get Mining to 650 Other…
September Gaming Goals
I’ve kind of fallen off the gaming goals as I had originally intended them for many reasons. So I’m just going to continue them as a to do list for the remainder of the year as a way to keep myself focused on what I’d like to accomplish in the games I’m digging at the moment. Ready to tackle goals in style! Quick August Review WildStar Finish the pre-quest for Redmoon Terror (I need that mount before it’s gone!!) Finish re-runing all the new DPS gear that unlocked with the RMT changes (Tank can wait until September) Get the birthday presents for the folks I’m getting them for Finish Wildcast…
Talk Like a Pirate Day!
I am behind the times, and didn’t know that Warcraft had a Talk Like a Pirate Day event. I don’t know how I didn’t know this considering how into holidays I’ve always been in-game, and how I completed pretty much all of them pre-Pandaria. The first thing that alerted me to it was some guildies talking about it on Twitter Hey @bekitoburrito, Pirate Shenanigans have begun! AARRRR! #WoW #TalkLikeAPirateDay pic.twitter.com/6AjMNQ2JlM — fynralyl (@fynralyl) September 19, 2016 And then I saw a Tweet from my (pretty much) favoritest WildStar dev. I see my Dread Captain persona is being more generous this year. 😉 https://t.co/0WAUntqaO7 — Kristen DeMeza (@TisCaydiem) September 19, 2016…
Final Pre-Quest Thoughts
Obviously, if you haven’t started on the Legion quests, there be spoilers here!! Granted, mainly the screenshots speak for themselves. To Karazhan Off to Ulduar I went. I’m so glad I read the comics before going, because this made soooooo much more sense! If anything, I do have a devout dedication to my Dwarf lore in WoW. That and the Dragon Aspects. It was amazing to go back to Ulduar, because it’s my favorite raid, second only to Karazhan. Which is where I got sent next. And oh, I loved the visualization of Khadgar’s story! I mean, I knew most of it, which was kindly refreshed for me via an…
Wednesday Boredom
Blaugust This week has been busy, and I am now just getting to a place where I feel able to blog about events that I’d sort of half-ass pre-written about as they happened. I’ve discovered through Blaugust, that even when I have the best of intentions and put together thoughts/images in a post as pre-writing, I don’t always get back to it in a timely manner if I’m feeling overwhelmed, or that I just need downtime. Which isn’t a bad thing to discover about my blogging habits. Heck, blogging 2-3 times a week isn’t a bad goal to keep towards, especially with my busy schedule. It feels manageable, and like…
August Gaming To Do List
She seems a bit overwhelmed… Yeah, I know it’s Saturday, and August ends on Wednesday. But Legion is out on Tuesday, and there’s gaming things I want to try to finish before that happens. I’m not going to pressure myself, but here’s the list of things I want to try to get done in (mainly) WoW before Tuesday is here. WildStar Finish the pre-quest for Redmoon Terror (I need that mount before it’s gone!!) Finish re-runing all the new DPS gear that unlocked with the RMT changes (Tank can wait until September) Get the birthday presents for the folks I’m getting them for Finish Wildcast (I’ll give myself until Wednesday…
Moosey Moosey Moose!
Blaugust Update I like the new schedule I set for myself. However, last week I only got in one post, when I meant to at least get in two. This post was slated to be posted over the weekend, and then I just never got to it because I was editing the podcast (which I plan to finish as soon as this is posted!), adulting, and spending what little time I had left relaxing over in WildStar. My goal this week is to try to make my three days for at least once. We shall see, though. Moooooose! I’ve been trying to find a #FriendshipMoose run for weeks with no…
It’s Invasion Time!
Blaugust Update Missy over at Ancient Mana has similar thoughts to myself on Blaugust—I’m not doing so hot at the schedule I picked out for myself, but it is getting me back into blogging again (despite busy work schedules), and I feel like I’m slowly starting to slip into the groove of blogging three times a week. So far, if I keep a Sunday to Saturday schedule, I’ve posted twice in week one, once in week two, and once so far in week three. Honestly, I think I’m just going to follow a Monday to Sunday schedule instead for posts, as it’s easier based on how my planner is laid out…
A WoW-Shaped Hole
Back Again Back in May Chaide and I got the email from WoW about that free week trial period, so we decided to give it a whirl (… mainly because I was going to write something for MMOGames that I have yet to finish writing… *cough*). And, well, we have yet to leave. We were going to play Alliance, but then we thought about our Druids over on Llane (Chaide and Chestnut) that we started back in 2010, and I thought since they were our mains way back then that maybe we could race change them or something to go play Alliance over with folks in House Stalwart. But then…
Time For Super Snacks
This is post 27 of 31 for the Blaugust event. To check out more Blaugust posts and sign up to participate, visit the Blaugust Nook! Stropp from Stropp’s World had a prompt for Blaugust I found interesting: Find a funny or insightful video about games or gaming culture and link or embed it in a blog post, along with enough words to satisfy the Blaugust rules. I consider this video a classic. Whenever the inevitable conversation comes up of, “What are some of your favorite YouTube videos?” I always pull this one out (along with the Star Wars one that cracks me up every single time). Illegal Danish (and the subsequent videos) are…