• IntPiPoMo

    #IntPiPoMo 2016 Postmortem

    I want to thank Shintar for the reminder. Real life has caught up with me hardcore. @ggchestnut I know it’s Jan and you have more important stuff going on, but do you think there’s a chance of an IntPiPoMo postmortem still? — Shintar (@ShintarCommando) January 7, 2017 The List I want to send a super big thank you to everyone who participated this year regardless of how many shots you shared! It was a smaller turnout compared to last year, but it still produced some great screenshots and artwork! Here is the list of all the blogs who participated in the event this year. Gamer Girl Confessions Lair of the…

  • Goals,  IntPiPoMo,  Otome,  WildStar,  WoW

    October Goals Review

    This post is a part of #IntPiPoMo 2016. You can find more information and sign up to participate here. I cut down on my gaming goals list fairly extensively for October. Feyd, Ender, and Try helped me get attuned for Kara, too! WildStar Purchase Service Tokens Re-rune DPS set Buy new unlocked tank gear Re-rune tank set Keep pimping Lifestyles of Nexus V for folks to sign up! Make plans for guild/alliance Shade’s Eve Shindig (Never did.) Put up the last Yardcore I recorded ages ago WoW Complete the Stormheim storylines Unlock Suramar world quests Get Archaeology to 100 Get Fishing to 300 Get Cooking to 600 Get First Aid to 400 Get…

  • IntPiPoMo

    #IntPiPoMo 2016 Hath Arrived!

    IntPiPoMo? IntPiPoMo, or International Picture Posting Month is the image equivalent of National Novel Writing Month (or NaNoWriMo). NaNoWriMo focuses on writing 50,000 words over the course of the month of November. So, if a picture is a thousand words, that means that IntPiPoMo requires fifty pictures These can be anything from screenshots from any game, to photographs you take in real life and want to share on your blog. Seriously, they can be anything—character selfies, shots of combat, sharing your game UI, showing off all those pretty new scenery shots in the Remastered Skyrim… you get the idea. IntPiPoMo was started back in 2011 by Angelya of Revive &…

  • IntPiPoMo

    #IntPiPoMo 2015 Results

    The List First, I want to thank everyone who participated in the event, regardless of how many shots you shared! It was a wonderful turnout, and I’m excited to give away some great prizes to folks! Here is the list of all the blogs who participated in the event. Gamer Girl Confessions Memoirs of a Lady Inventory Full Mostly Plushies Floor Tank Gaming Moonshine Mansion Hey, Heatherbee! Adamantly Complacent Hello Kitsune Tyrannodorkus: The Blog World MMOQuests Ravalation Unnexussary I Hate Tombs! Starshadow Digital Backwoods Nim’s Adventures Soul of the Forest Pizza Maid Atheren’s Adventures GamingSF A Life More Kawaii Knifesedge Blogs Get The Girl, Kill The Baddies Alice Plays LOTRO…

  • FFXIV,  IntPiPoMo,  Life

    New GPU Meets Garuda

    This post is a part of #IntPiPoMo! You can find out more, and sign up at this link. New Graphics Card Here’s the stats. What is priority upgrades? We can’t do everything at once. Thoughts, IT folks? pic.twitter.com/7EDJkOpn7F — Chestnut’s Roasting (@ggchestnut) November 19, 2015 #IntPiPoMo 33/50 (Hey, I took the screenshot! :P) Chaide and I have been searching as to how to beef up our computers. Not too long ago, I posted on Twitter asking for advice, as well as within a group of friends whose opinions I regard highly. We ended up deciding to get the NVIDIA GTX 960 for each of us, and the boxes themselves looked super…

  • IntPiPoMo,  Secret World

    Hell Hath Come

    Hell Raised This post is a part of #IntPiPoMo! You can find out more, and sign up at this link. A few Fridays ago, Chaide, Cam, and I decided that we wanted to get a Hell run together in The Secret World… finally! I vaguely recall running it before back when we had originally played, because I remembered a few boss mechanics. We grabbed Moon (whom you’ll meet later in videos as I get them uploaded… which I should do soon!), and one of our FFXIV FC-mates who gladly came along for the ride. Overall, the dungeon was a lot of fun! We’re confused why some of our lore is missing,…

  • IntPiPoMo,  Otome,  Steam Challenge,  Visual Novel

    Steam Challenge: Hatoful Boyfriend

    The Steam Challenge This post is a part of #IntPiPoMo! You can find out more, and sign up at this link. For those of you who haven’t heard about this “Steam Challenge” thing, here’s the TL;DR. Yup. That pretty much sums it up. Now, I definitely don’t have as many games as some other folks do hiding away in Steam, but I do have a lot that are downloaded and half-played. But I have the tendency to download new ones without ever getting rid of the old ones. #IntPiPoMo 7/50 So I’m changing the Steam Challenge for my own personal use: Beat a downloaded game before downloading another. And “beat” could…

  • FFXIV,  Goals,  IntPiPoMo,  Secret World,  WildStar

    Gaming Goals: November

    This post is a part of #IntPiPoMo! You can find out more, and sign up at this link. I’ve been enjoying putting together this gaming goals thing I decided to try out in June. It’s helped me focus my time and come up with blog posts. Life has been super busy, but doing these really do help me stay focused and away from the whiny “I’m boooooooored” crap. #IntPiPoMo 6/50 – Writing down your goals is a good way to tackle them, experts say! Going to be cutting down again this month because AMGREALLIFE, so let’s get to it! WildStar Goals Chestnut Work towards completing my AMP (57) and AP (48) points Put…

  • FFXIV,  Goals,  IntPiPoMo,  Secret World,  SWTOR,  ThaydFest,  WildStar

    Gaming Goals Review: October

    This post is a part of #IntPiPoMo! You can find out more, and sign up at this link. I started this back in June 2015, and have been keeping up with it this past month. I reduced my goals the past few months due to real life, and I think I started getting things to a reasonable goal list. But, we’ll see in a moment. #IntPiPoMo 5/50 – What did the cards hold for October? WildStar Goals Chestnut Collect some more mini-pets Reach max reputation in Crimson Badlands (& last bit of Northern Wastes) Work towards completing my AMP (55) and AP (48) points Put up recorded Yardcore Complete all achievements in Celestion Start getting…

  • IntPiPoMo,  Secret World

    Great Customer Service

    This post is a part of #IntPiPoMo! You can find out more, and sign up at this link.Head’s Up! If you haven’t finished The Secret World’s 2012 Samhain content, there will be spoilers in this post. B’ware! Because, really, the story is amazing and you should be playing it through! Anyways, the other night, we grabbed a fourth friend and worked for a bit on the Samhain 2012 quests in The Secret World. We spent a very large chunk of time running around to zones Chaide and I have yet to experience (we’ve only just arrived in the Blue Mountains) to pick up herbs and such to craft a specific herb…