Yeah! Game Time!
This is post 18 of 31 for the Blaugust event. To check out more Blaugust posts and sign up to participate, visit the Blaugust Nook! The Secret World Both Monday and Tuesday I got in about an hour of TSW. I’m really enjoying the game, especially since I’m starting to get into some quests I haven’t done yet! The three of us playing finished up Red’s quests and have started talking to Sarge in the camp directly into the Mountains, and we did one of the Sasquatch quests, as well. They’re so sweet and make sweet noises! I think they’re some of my favorite creatures out in the world, so far. I’m also…
Class of 2015
This is post 14 of 31 for the Blaugust event. To check out more Blaugust posts and sign up to participate, visit the Blaugust Nook! Chaide, myself, and our friend Camara have been playing up a storm in The Secret World (though not this past month, because it’s been super busy). I’ve been trying to finish some Let’s Play videos, but since work and life have been so busy the past month, I haven’t gotten to completing them, yet. We’ve all really been enjoying our time in the game. The stories are amazing, and totally make up for the combat that’s kind of “Meh”. I also really adore the costuming system. I wonder…
Gaming Goals: August
This is post 3 of 31 for the Blaugust event. To check out more Blaugust posts and sign up to participate, visit the Blaugust Nook! I’ve been enjoying putting together this gaming goals thing I decided to try out in June. It’s helped me a bunch with focusing my time, especially when I was lacking it. Last month I had a lot of real life, so I didn’t complete nearly as many goals as I wanted to. So this month I think I’m going to cut down on them a little bit more, too. First, because I dislike having things unchecked on my list, and second, I’m adjusting to a new schedule IRL (plus…
Gaming Goals Review: July
This is post 2 of 31 for the Blaugust event. To check out more Blaugust posts and sign up to participate, visit the Blaugust Nook! I started this back in June 2015, and have been keeping up with it this past month. I had reduced my goals for July because I knew that we would have limited play time as we had ten days of vacation time, as well as getting ready to move on August 1st. So, let’s see if tuning down my goals made them easier to accomplish! WildStar Goals Chestnut Reach the max tier of the PvP contracts for the first time ever Reach the max tier of…
Not Dead Yet
Goodness gracious, it’s been a bit since posting. But that’s what a busy vacation does! This is more of a real-life focused “micro-post” (as much as I can write a micro-post, anyway), so read or don’t read–it’s your own discretion. Friday was a Bachelor party for Chaide, Saturday was a car insurance debacle over a silly small paint transfer (and cops being really mean–it kind of ruined my day) as well as a Pre-Wedding hangout, and Sunday was a wedding. We also had to get packed, bring the dog to a friend’s house because they’re being awesome and watching her, and get the cats ready for a week alone. Monday…
Gaming Goals: July
Trying this out last month seemed to be helpful to me in those waffley “I don’t know what to play!” whiney moments, so I’m going to try it again this month! You might notice that this month the lists are a tad shorter. The reasoning behind this is (1) we’ll be on vacation for about nine days, and (2) I didn’t get through a bunch of things, so I’d like to try to make the list a little more tackle-able. So, without further ado, my gaming goals for July! WildStar Goals Chestnut Reach the max tier of the PvP contracts for the first time ever Reach the max tier of…
Gaming Goals Review: June
So, I started something new at the beginning of this month where I decided to set some gaming goals for myself and then see how I did with them, because I’ve much less time than I’d like with real life cropping up and all that jazz. So, let’s review how I did with them! WildStar Goals Reach the max tier of both the PvP and PvE contracts by the end of the month (I still have yet to max them since they came out) Max my rep in the Crimson Badlands and Northern Wastes (The first two daily areas. And no, I still haven’t finished maxing the reps.) Finish out…
Secret World Fun
The Secret World Last night, we hopped into The Secret World and played for a good chunk of time before it was bedtime. We started off checking that we’d finished all our quests in the general vicinity before moving over to Innsmouth Academy. We found out that indeed! We had missed one from John Wolf. So we went to talk to him about Jack. So we went to go seek Jack out and see if we could do something to take care of him. We did our best, but he’ll still be around town for a while, yet. I wonder if there’s quests later on where we can take care…
Estates, Lighthouses, and Amusement Parks
Yardcore Nexus While Saturday was chores and WildStar raiding, Sunday was a bit more laid back. There was more chores (of course), but we got in some solid gaming time, too. I also decided (as I put together a Yardcore video) that for me to continue enjoying to put out and enjoy putting out Yardcore Nexus, I’m going to have to scale them back to every-other week or so. And not get stressed if real life comes up and delays an episode a week. So, look for Episode 7 later today! I also watched the STOS stream this weekend with Caydiem, but I’m saving thoughts on some of that information…
Chissy Chissy Makes Me Happy
Best Title Ever I think this is my best blog post title yet. 😛 I was listening to Smile.dk and some other DDR music just before I hopped into SWTOR. So the title just kind of had to happen. And then I giggled for a long while. So, post over the weekend seem to be my foible in blogging. I’m trying to think of solutions. I want to get ready for Blaugust, haha. WildStar This weekend I spent a bunch of time playing around in SWTOR outside of chores and some TSW and WildStar. In WildStar, I spent time attending the Nexus Best Dressed Gala. I was unfortunately late because…